It’s time for the Eerie Nights Blog HOP!!!!
Halloween is the favorite holiday of my 20 year old son, Luke. I have collected Halloween and Fall décor for years. In fact, last year, there were so many bins that I donated a huge bin to his school. I wanted to share with all of you some of our Halloween staples that have become part of our family tradition to pull out and arrange.
I also wanted to share with you some amazing playful outdoor home décor that I see around our neighborhood!
I love fabric and here is a playfully bright quilt that I made with fabrics collected through the years. I just love my antique cloths pins that this quilt is hung on. Can you see the pumpkins that I long arm quilted into the layers!
I enjoy sewing Halloween Trick or Treat Bags for my kids and have lots of extras for their friends too! All of the trick or treat bags are interchangeable and were sometimes made to coordinate with their costume. I had lots of fun taking these photographs!
I Setting up tables with Halloween settings that include bright Halloween fabric table runners. This table runner was so simple to make with basic squares and actually has no batting in it so it is sewn like pillow case and then turned inside and out.
This is our dining table room table decorated! The table runner is simple, just small scraps of fabric squares stitched together and bordered. Halloween decorations are out for such a short time of year so why make something too complicated? Upright in a glass sundae cup are table triple dipped pretzel rods in caramel, chocolate and then green dipping chocolate with an almond slice as a fingernail for a witches finger! My kids and I love making and eating these! The Halloween platter closest to you has double dipped caramel apples! There is nothing like enjoying apples in the fall! What recipes do you enjoy? We have several and one of our favorites is caramel and chocolate dipped apples! This year we dipped the caramel apples in expensive Peter’s Caramel and then grocery store purchased caramels. What a difference the block of caramel from Peter’s made! The melting point was lower so the caramel during the night didn’t slip off the apple like the inexpensive caramels. But to tell you the truth after we dipped both sets of caramel dipped apples and then dipped them in chocolate, we really couldn’t taste much of a difference. Just chill the apples with the dipped caramel before you leave dip them in the chocolate! YUM!
What about right outside your dining room door! Here are some great ideas for outdoor FUN!
How about just decorating your lovely gardens with some Halloween embellishments! It doesn’t take much! These are some old pieces of wood cut and simply painted.
Just add some pumpkins or gourds here or there for some Halloween Glam.
These pumpkins are ready for a masquerade!
Your Halloween yard art can be as simple or complex as your imagination!
Then there is our fireplace mantles, this year I decided to go a bit smaller and simpler. Well my boys and great nieces decorated the house this year. They love when I say to get the orange and black bins from the garage and I love to see where they put everything! That is some kid fun isn’t?
But back to the stitching, I sure had a lot of fun stitching together Rosie the Zombie in Zombie Love Fabric designed by Emily Taylor for Riley Blake Designs. Over three feet tall she it was a blast seeing her come together. There is a tutorial on how to construct Rose the Zombie here.
Zoe the Zombie and Bones the Immortal Dog were also a lot of fun to create from Zombie Apocalypse Fabric Panel by Emily Taylor Designs with Riley Blake Fabrics. Before I assembled them, I long arm quilted the panel which gave such shape and form to their personalities!
Halloween is a time for family fun and to bring neighborhoods and communities together! What are some of your favorite Halloween items that bring that playful feel to your family? Remember enjoy the moment and find delight!
The next Halloween items that I am making for my home will include a Immortal Zombie with a bit of Zombie love quilt and table runner! Check out the fabrics that I will be using for this project! My husband is excited to have these items completed! Won’t they be fun! My husband wants it to look ripped up and fun! Any piecing or quilting suggestions?
Lovely decorating ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing so many projects…lots of ideas to think about here!!!
Great variety of decorations! Your home must be a fun place to be at Halloween!
Great projects, all fun.
No zombie advice here, sorry. I just wanted to say thanks for the caramel apple suggestions!
Happy Halloween to you, also. It’s wonderful to see someone who loves the holiday and showcases all those lovely Halloween fabrics. Super!
I LOVED my stop here! There should be a hundred comments that say the same. You have SO many great decorating ideas, and I’m a person who needs all the help I can get! The masked pumpkins and the witch’s legs are my favorite, maybe. I did like seeing a peek of your Halloween fabric stash, too. I was in a little craft store last week and found an adorable ghost to hang on my door – just cut out of wood, painted and a wire for hanging attached. Too bad I don’t have the skill set to make things like that all year long!
lovely fall projects
You have inspired me with all those spooky decorations.
Wow! You guys really go all out for Halloween! Everything looks fantastic!
Wow So many wonderfully gruesome ideas. Thanks for sharing.
You have hit Halloween out of the ball park. Love love love your projects, each and every one of em!
your projects are wonderful. thanks for all the decorating tips.
Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed your tour through all the different decorations. Love those masquerade pumpkins and have never seen them before. If I had, I would own a few. I may just have to make my own for next year. My favourite Halloween treat is roasted pumpkin seeds. So good and healthy too.
Great projects and decorations!