Live Well Live Strong Quilt Weekly Challenges
Follow along with video, worksheets and inspiration as we make the Live Well Live Strong Quilt. Click on the images below to see each quilt blocks worksheet, live video and blog post. Â
Follow along with video, worksheets and inspiration as we make the Live Well Live Strong Quilt. Click on the images below to see each quilt blocks worksheet, live video and blog post. Â
Every moring we are born again what do today is what matters most. Buddha
How could being mindful spark joy in your life? Let’s talk about it!
The Mindful Quilt Block is the third week on our Live Well Live Strong Quilt Sew Along! It is exciting to finally be here with all of you on this journey! I loved designing the mindful quilt block to be a hourglass quilt block! I think its perfect! I love watching an hourglass.
Buddha says, “Our life is shaped by our minds, for we become what we think.” So….. Mindfulness is important, right?
Use this worksheet to provoke thoughts…. On the Mindful Worksheet, scribble on the hourglass quilt block triangles mindful activities you would like to do. Then on the gray scaled square, scribble things that are barriers and interfere with mindfulness. This is your personal worksheet… I’ve written down several Mindfulness exercises you can try out. This is about you and me helping to become our best selves. There are so many benefits to Mindfulness in our lives. I know I feel calmer, energetic, confident, accepting, and less stressed. I feel compassionate towards myself & others!
There are many Mindful exercises that you can do. On the worksheet below, I’m introducing you to four of my favorites. Experience mindfulness through your senses. During stress in the day or before I fall asleep at night, I might go through the steps of a Mindful Body Scan. I’m always reminding myself to be kind to my body and mind. Then a Mindful Journal, to thoughtfully examine how you are feeling, possibly why, reflect on what you feel grateful for and where your energy sources or drains come from.
Download your Mindfulness Worksheets below and work through the exercises as you focus on making your Mindful Hourglass Quilt Block this next week!
If you haven’t yet, you can join in anytime on the Live Well Live Strong Quilt Sew Along! Get your downloadable pattern right now.
I was always fascinated with an hourglass with sand slowly passing through. Did you like them? I used to have a brass ship looking hourglass always in my bedroom, I think it broke. I just replaced it with a NEW one. To me it represents being present, intentional and mindful as time passes by. What do you think?
I can’t wait to see the Live Well Live Strong Quilt in all black & white! Here are some things that I am working on this mindful week. Select one or several or create one of your own.
Mindful Possible Challenges could include:
Or customize your own personal challenge. Let’s not overwhelm ourselves. Take tiny steps towards a good thing and reward yourself with a quiet moment closing your eyes to feel good about yourself including your body & mind.
Share a photo of your completed Mindful Quilt Block on Facebook or Instagram. And if you feel comfortable share a photo that represents a positive step in a Mindful Challenge. Let’s inspire each other! You have seen lots of my social media posts this week of enjoying time with my new grand daughter. Oh my… leisure and I have become good friends.
Remember this is just about you and all of us possibly lifting each other to a better space. AND…. the Live Well Live Strong Quilt is not about being negative. Be kind and positive with yourself. Be as generous to yourself. Share your thoughts! Remember this week that Leisure is the opposite of excessive seriousness!
Next week’s block is all about Positive! If you haven’t yet, purchase your Live Well Live Strong Quilt Pattern!
Many happy wishes for a week filled with Healing Live Well Live Strong! XOXO!
Learn more about the LWLS Sew Along
Fuel Half Square Triangle Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Leisure Pinwheel Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Mindful Hourglass Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Next Week Self Reliance Quilt Block Week & Worksheet coming soon!
Leisure gives our bodies a reboot of energy to clearly focus on what we truly need.
How could leisure spark joy in your life? Let’s talk about it!
The Leisure Quilt Block is the second week on our Live Well Live Strong Quilt Sew Along! It is so exciting to finally be here with all of you on this journey! I loved designing the leisure quilt block to be a pinwheel quilt block! I think its perfect! Do you have memories as a child blowing into a pinwheel? How did you feel? I felt amazement and joy! But… I can’t say I’ve picked up many pinwheels as an adult to amuse me.
Leisure can be an energy source in our lives! Yes really Leisure! Have you ever gone on a vacation and returned home invigorated ready to live life to its fullest? Well don’t deprive yourself of the mini reboot that small amounts of leisure can provide.
How do you picture leisure as a child? I picture myself swinging on a swing with pig tails in my hair. I can feel the wind blowing through my hair rocking back and forth in the swing to maintain momentum. It feels wonderful… I can imagine myself jumping off the swing running with enthusiasm to my next adventure. How do you picture Leisure as a child?
I don’t have a picture of me swinging but here is a picture with my childhood enthusiasm on a chimney.
Think back to what you enjoyed as a child. What are some Leisure activities you can enjoy now? You know… I might be carpooling kids around but have a quiet moment in my car to enjoy a game of solitaire on my phone. Do I savor that moment of solitaire as leisure? Maybe or maybe not. There are different types of leisure. Active versus Passive leisure, such as I could take a walk in my neighborhood or read a book. Social or solo leisure might look like attending a quilt guild meeting or quilting at home. There are many types of leisure… more than just going on a vacation. So let’s indulge in mini reboots of leisure to energize ourselves.
Use this worksheet to provoke thoughts…. On the Leisure Worksheet, scribble on the quilt block triangles leisurely activities you would like to do. Then on the gray scaled square, scribble things that are barriers and interfere with leisure. This is your personal worksheet… No comparisons to anyone else. This is about you and me helping to become our best selves. Then on the side of the worksheet write thoughts about how adequate leisure will spark joy in your life.
I’m a really hard worker and love to work. I get joy from it. A barrier for me to feel leisure is that I’m being lazy! Okay, Deanna! What can I do about that? I know it exists right? Well I can funnel into my brain positive self talk that says, “Deanna you deserve a break and need to experience leisure today.” There are benefits of leisure like decreased anxiety, calm countenance and wellness. Nourishment of self is one of the best preventive medicines.
But let’s remember that the word leisure is a NOUN. It is a state of being. Do you sometimes do something that could be categorized as leisure but don’t give yourself permission to enter that leisure state? I do and you know I’m missing out BIG TIME!
Leisure Possible Challenges could include:
Or customize your own personal challenge. Let’s not overwhelm ourselves. Take tiny steps towards a good thing and reward yourself with a quiet moment closing your eyes to feel good about yourself including your body & mind.
Share a photo of your completed Leisure Quilt Block on Facebook or Instagram. And if you feel comfortable share a photo that represents a positive step in a Leisure Challenge. Let’s inspire each other! You have seen lots of my social media posts this week of enjoying time with my new grand daughter. Oh my… leisure and I have become good friends.
Remember this is just about you and all of us possibly lifting each other to a better space. AND…. the Live Well Live Strong Quilt is not about being negative. Be kind and positive with yourself. Be as generous to yourself. Share your thoughts! Remember this week that Leisure is the opposite of excessive seriousness!
Next week’s block is all about Mindful! If you haven’t yet, purchase your Live Well Live Strong Quilt Pattern!
Many happy wishes for a well fueled week! Live Well Live Strong! XOXO!
Many happy wishes for a week filled with Healing Live Well Live Strong! XOXO!
Learn more about the LWLS Sew Along
Fuel Half Square Triangle Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Leisure Pinwheel Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Mindful Hourglass Quilt Block Week & Worksheets
Next Week Self Reliance Quilt Block Week & Worksheet coming soon!