There are just so many things to do in life with working, raising families, being a member of a family and our community that we need to focus on the right things in life. We live in a world where we are so distracted by the constant stimuli that we no longer focus on the truly important things in life. I have been blessed with many many obstacles in my life that I have learned to really concentrate on the right things in life and why. These obstacles have been challenges that I have embraced to my fullest to allow myself to be chiseled to be the soul that God intends me to be. Through this blog I will share with you things that have been set in my path that have made me to pause in life and truly focus on what is important. It is a time in the world to simplify and focus on what is truly important. I have found that through my challenges that I have developed gifts, skills and desires that I never imagined that I would learn in life. I never imagined that some of my most intense growth in life would come with the age that I am. But the refining has come and I have chosen to stay the good soul that I am and not allow difficulties to change my spirit but just allow my spirit to lift and grow in ways to help others. As I have faced the challenges that I have had through the years, there are many interests that I have acquired and would like to share with all of you. In the quiet moments, I have turned to quilting, sewing, crafting, re-purposing, cooking, photography, jewelry making and more to fill my soul with the emptiness that it might have felt with the beautiful people that I have enjoyed things with. I have always strived to have my home be a warm loving place of refuge and peace for my family to come home to. I have found by simplifying my life that I can live a more authentic life and have more cognitive space/awareness for improving myself as a person. Nothing makes me more pleased than to make or share something for my family members, loved ones, people in need or just simply for myself. I hope that I can share that love for the things I do with all of you in your homes to improve where you are in life. This blog is dedicated to sharing those ideas and lessons learned by stitching along through life. I say stitching because I am not always sewing but I am piecing the layers of life together to learn what I am intended to become and continue to evolve to be. We have so much to learn in life and hopefully here we can share some of the things learned to share with others. I have many posts ready to share that will be coming to you soon. There are Stitches Through Life Blog Categories in the upper left column and right side bottom footer of posts to wander through and be inspired and resourceful in life! The resourcefulness that we learn in life gives us confidence, builds self-sufficiency to have courage to do just about anything that we may have to face. May the work of your hands inspire the soul!
Threads of Topics that are Coming SOON!!!!!
- Making Life’s Hard Things Feel EASIER!
- How the Way We Think Changes the Things we DO!
- Being Grateful, Thinking Positively and using to the Fullest the Things we Already Have
- Finding a Center of Happiness and Core Just Right Exactly Where We Are Right NOW
- Developing a Devotion to our Spouses to keep our Families Intact
- Developing a Foundation of Faith that will Never Collapse Under the Weight that We Carry Throughout Life
- Having Adult Issues be Adult Issues and allowing our children to grow up without having to Navigate Adult Issues
- Raising Children Practically
- Raising Children with Structure and an Abundance of Love
- Raising Special Needs Children taking in the Complexities Involved
- Raising Children in Blended/Single Homes while Living with Dignity after a Divorce
- Being Practical! Creatively Making the Best of Our Homes
- Being Practical! Re-purposing the World Around Us into Needed Items
- Stitches “DeWall” homemade beauty and household products to make in your own home
- Stitches Jewelry Creating to give me strength and share as a gift to others
- Stitches Photography tips and my own images that document life and its adventures
AND I will always continue to post things about fabric, quilting, sewing, home products and more. That has always been a consistent thread of life and always around us to improve upon and enjoy.
I know I we can’t be completely self-sufficient in this life as we are interconnected and weaved into the society of our families, communities, and the world. Where ever we might be we can certainly carve out a piece of serenity no matter where we are.