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Easy Pillowcase Tutorial & Pattern UPDATED

Easy Pillowcase Pattern Tutorial Updaed

Easy Pillowcase Tutorial & Pattern UPDATED

Easy Pillowcase Pattern - Cover Page 1

Cut Your Fabrics

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Cut Your Fabric Page 2

Press Your Fabric

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Press your Fabric then Layer Page 3

Layer your Easy Pillowcase in a PBJ then stitch it as a burrito!

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Stitch down the raw edges

Pull your excess Pillowcase fabric from you burrito.

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Pull Loose Fabric from Burrito, Press and TRIM Page 5

Stitch around your pillowcase with wrong sides together to make your French Seam.

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Pin & Stitch around Pillowcase Wrong Sides Facing Each Other Page 6

Carefully press your pillowcase again for your final stitch!

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Press & Stitch with right sides of fabric facing each other for a French Seam Page 7


Enjoy your PILLOWCASE!

Easy Pillowcase Pattern & Tutorial - Press & Stitch with right sides of fabric facing each other for a French Seam Page 8


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