Easy Sew Simple Infinity Scarf Tutorial
It is simple to sew yourself a trendy simple infinity scarf from your favorite fabric. Cut your fabric 14 inches wide and WOF (width of fabric – how wide your fabric is from selvage to selvage). If your fabric has a print or line cut along the pattern as shown below.
Press the length of the scarf on either side one turn.
Press again for a double turned finished hem to stitch closed.
Stitch the double pressed hem closed on both long sides of the scarf.
Back stitch at the end of your ends.
After you have stitched both sides of the scarf, fold so you are now stitching closed the selvage ends of the scarf. Use a 1 inch seam allowance.
Press open the center seam and fold over to prepare a finished look.
There is no need to double roll this hem as you are working with the selvage with this piece of fabric. If you are not working with the selvage, double roll your seam to give it a finished look.
Enjoy your scarf! I will upload a video for you to see the finished product! Or visit my social media to see me trying on all three scarves that I made with this pattern! Let me know other ideas that you might have with this scarf. We could piece fabric together to make it have a patchwork look. We could use strips of fabric pieces together even using raw unfinished edges. If you have any questions, please comment below!
This is a nice quick project to get your sewjo back in full swing. If you make a scarf please tag me on social media so I can see it! Instagram and Facebook @stitchesquilting!
Lots of Love!