Stitch Happens Sew Along – Come Quilt with Us
Stitch Happens Sew Along – Come Quilt with Us! Look at all the quilt block you can learn how to make with Live Videos that are saved for you to view anytime on Facebook or YouTube. If you are already a seasoned quilter then this will be a quick sew for YOU! The quilt is only 38 inches by 40 inches that can adorn our sewing area walls to celebrate our love of quilting! Let’s see how many of these Sewing Machine Quilts will be hanging around the world as a community of Quilters!
We are celebrating National Quilting Month with Stitch Happens Sew Along along with tons of giveaways, prizes, freebies and lots of Quilty Fun!
Stitch Happen Sewing Machine Quilt Kit is available for only $45 that includes the pattern! OR If you want to use your own fabric stash then you can purchase the Stitch Happens pattern hardcopy or pdf here!
Download NOW the FREE Stitch Happens Fabric Color and Cutting Guide right here as a pdf to save on your computer & print out!
At Stitches Quilting we created a custom Color and Cutting Fabric Guide for you to use with the Quilt Kit or your own fabrics! Easily substitute your own fabrics with this guide. The Stitch Happens Fabric and cutting guide let’s you know exactly how much fabric you need for each color. You will need to refer to the Stitch Happens Pattern for the exact dimensions to cut your fabric as it is used in each of the quilt sections and parts. TIPs: Cut all of your fabric out at once before piecing your quilt together. Check off the color reference circle after you cut all of that fabric color.
As you cut out the fabric be sure to organize your fabric pieces by parts in zip lock baggies or envelopes. With the Stitch Happen Color and Cutting Guide comes a second sheet to put inside your zip lock bags to keep your baggies and fabric pieces organized!
Download NOW the FREE Stitch Happens Fabric Color and Cutting Guide right here as a pdf to save on your computer & print out!
Don’t miss out on a single Live Instructional Video, Instructions, Prizes, Freebies and MORE so subscribe to Stitches Quilting and follow Stitches Quilting – Deanna Wall on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest so you don’t miss out on a live video or instruction. There is just so much quilty FUN planned and we don’t want you to MISS out! WARNING THOUGH – our live videos are not about pure instruction we have a lot of fun connecting, answering questions and keeping in touch. (I think some people would like it to be instructional BUT I do care about all of YOU). It’s all about community in a kind place. The more followers I have the better freebies and giveaways I can get from awesome companies!
Follow Stitches Quilting on You Tube for Live Quilting Instructional Videos and lots of Quilty FUN
I won’t keep you any longer… because I think Your Sewing Machine is calling you!
Oh… the world is a beautiful place… I’m so glad we have quilting to keep us all in a healthy space! I can’t wait to connect with you on social media! Please let me know if you need anything! Remember it only takes 20 seconds of courage to do just about anything! XOXO
Stitch Happens Day One Video
Download NOW the FREE Stitch Happens Fabric Color and Cutting Guide right here as a pdf to save on your computer & print out!
[…] Stitch Happens Sew Along – Come Quilt with Us […]