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EASY No Binding Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

EASY NO BINDING Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad ICON

EASY No Binding Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

Cut your fabric for your EASY No Binding Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad.  There are two different hot pad size to select from.  There is a Wide Short Version or a Thin Long Version.  It is up to YOU!  Doesn’t it feel good to have possibilities?

Make the Handles for your EASY No Binding Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

Easy No Binding 3 Quilted Cookie Sheet Handles

Quilt the handles of your EASY no binding Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

Page 4 Add Batting and Quilt Handles

Layer then Quilt the Base of your Easy No Binding Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

Easy No Binding 5 Quilted Cookie Sheet How to Layer Main

Position and Layer your handles to the quilted base of your EASY Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad.

Easy No Binding 6 Quilted Cookie Sheet Layer to Sew

LEAVE a three inch opening as you stitch around the edges of your EASY no binding method quilted cookie sheet Hot Pad.Page 7 Leave a 3 inch Opening

Turn inside out through your 3 inch opening your EASY no binding Quilted Cookie Sheet Hot Pad

Page 8 Turn Inside OUt

Stitch a finishing stitch along the sides.

Easy No Binding 9 Quilted Cookie Sheet More Information

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