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Easy Sew Simple Infinity Scarf Tutorial

Finish the center seam by rolling the edge and stitching down.

Easy Sew Simple Infinity Scarf Tutorial

It is simple to sew yourself a trendy simple infinity scarf from your favorite fabric.  Cut your fabric 14 inches wide and WOF  (width of fabric – how wide your fabric is from selvage to selvage).  If your fabric has a print or line cut along the pattern as shown below.

Trim Your fabric for your scarf 14 inches wide and the width of fabric

Press the length of the scarf on either side one turn.

Press your fabric with a double turned hem

Press again for a double turned finished hem to stitch closed.

Press your fabric with a double turned hem

Stitch the double pressed hem closed on both long sides of the scarf.

Stitch the doubled folded pressed hem along the outside edges of the infinity scarf.

Back stitch at the end of your ends.

After you have stitched both sides of the scarf, fold so you are now stitching closed the selvage ends of the scarf.  Use a 1 inch seam allowance.

Sew together the two ends of the fabric to form an infinity scarf

Press open the center seam and fold over to prepare a finished look.

Press open the center sewing seam

There is no need to double roll this hem as you are working with the selvage with this piece of fabric.  If you are not working with the selvage, double roll your seam to give it a finished look.

Finish the center seam by rolling the edge and stitching down.

Enjoy your scarf!  I will upload a video for you to see the finished product!  Or visit my social media to see me trying on all three scarves that I made with this pattern!  Let me know other ideas that you might have with this scarf.  We could piece fabric together to make it have a patchwork look.  We could use strips of fabric pieces together even using raw unfinished edges.  If you have any questions, please comment below!

This is a nice quick project to get your sewjo back in full swing.  If you make a scarf please tag me on social media so I can see it!  Instagram and Facebook @stitchesquilting!

Lots of Love!

Deanna Wall Stitches Quilting Stitching Through Life

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Sewing Ideas for Childrens Room Emily Herrick

Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick

Sewing Ideas for Childrens Room Emily Herrick

Are you looking for sewing ideas for your child’s room?   Emily Herrick has all the answers for you in her Grow With Me book with tons of organizational and decorative projects for children’s rooms.  Emily is brilliant with her pattern making for you and it looks especially wonderful in her fabric collection Up and Away with Michael Miller Fabrics.

Watch this video of Emily sharing all the ideas from her book and with her beautiful fabrics!

Check out the eye candy, project and ideas from her book!   You can order her book from Amazon!

Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick Need ideas to organize and decorate your childs room? Grow With Me by Emily Herrick


I purchased a copy of this book and absolutely love it!  Emily is an excellent pattern writer!

The Grow With Me book description by Emily Herrick:  Fabric and quilt designer, Emily Herrick, introduces 10 fabulous projects designed to dress up your child’s room while adding functionality.  Choose from various quilt patterns, personalized pillows, growth chart, storage baskets, book holder, organizer and several hand embroidery patterns.   Various techniques include piecing, fusible, raw edge and reverse appliqué, hand embroidery, and dimensional project construction each with complete step-by-step instructions and full color photos.

I purchased some of Emily’s fabric collection “Up With Me” with Michael Miller to make the Double Duty Organizer on page 10.  Emily recommends using this at a crib table or tucked under the mattress on a bed.  I’m making one for my teenage son in his room to hold goodies.  I think I’ll also make one for my bed too!

You can visit Emily’s blog with lots of creativity at: http://Http://

Best Wishes for Happy Stitches,

Deanna Wall Stitches Quilting Stitching Through Life




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Comfortable Chic Clothing Patterns? Indygo Essentials!

Indygo Essentials Comfortable Clothing Patterns Launched by Indygo Junction with Amy Barickman

Wouldn’t you just love to sew comfortable clothing without being disappointed?  Indygo Essentials is the answer for trendy comfortable chic clothing patterns to successfully create and deck you out in style this summer!  They have 25 years of pattern making and you will not be disappointed.  You may have the perfect fabric tucked away in your stash and just need one or all of these patterns.

I had a chance to interview the lovely and creative leader Amy Barickman, founder & owner of Indygo Junction and AmyBarickman, LLC.  Amy has released over 1,000 patterns and published 80 books along with being a RJR Fabric Designer.  In the video below, Amy introduces her newest pattern line Indygo Essentials, comfortable clothing patterns.

Can’t you already picture yourself in some of these fantastic flattering outfits?  Indygo Essentials patterns have a simple clean design using easy sewing techniques to find success in sewing garments that fit well and are wearable.  I’m eyeing these and already planning which fabrics to use.  The great thing about Indygo Essentials is that you can find the fabrics easily in quilt and sewing stores.

Indygo Essentials Shift Dress Sewing Pattern

Indygo Essentials Asymmetrical Top & Tunic Sewing PatternIndygo Essentials Swing Jacket Sewing PatternIndygo Essentials Easy Top & Tunic Sewing PatternIndygo Essentials Artisan Pants Sewing PatternIndygo Essentials Mandarin Vest Sewing Pattern










I’m feeling motivated and I would like to make the Shift Dress, Asymmetrical Top & Tunic along with the Swing Jacket for those chilly nights.  Then who can resist the Easy Top and Tunic that is flattering with the simple darts?  I’m planning on using Amy’s Crossroads Denim Fabric Collection for the swing jacket.  Look at all the colors available, how could I possibly choose just one of them?  Which Crossroads denim fabric color do you think would look good?  What fabrics are you considering?  Do you already have some fabric in your stash that is available?


Crossroad Demin Fabric by Amy Barickman Crossroads Demin Fabric by Amy Barickman Color Selection


As a quilt store owner, I have been selling Indygo Junction patterns since 2002 and sewed with them before then because they are simply exceptional.  I have yet to see a project fail with one of their patterns.  Wouldn’t it be great to create you own closet to look just like this clothing rack!  Ohhhh the possibilities……


Indygo Essentials Comfortable Clothing Patterns Launched by Indygo Junction with Amy Barickman


Buy Now

I wish I carried all of these patterns in stock for you at Stitches Quilting, but to purchase the patterns, go to Indygo Junction

Amy Barickman Indygo Junction Indygo Essentials

I feel privileged to have learned from such a talented leader in this industry and hope you enjoyed her insight into sewing clothing with patterns.

You won’t want to miss the other inspiring videos and articles with Amy Barickman posted this next week!  Our next video will be about Vintage Made Modern a collaboration that will inspire all makers out there!   Our last video and article will be chatting with Amy about what inspires her with needle and thread which includes her extensive collection of vintage content.  I don’t know about you but I’m drooling….

Be sure to subscribe or follow on social media Stitches Quilting and Amy Barickman so you don’t miss a single thing!

Anyone interested in a sew-along or blog hop featuring these patterns?

If you are new to sewing or just want a buddy then let’s do it together in the NEW Stitches Quilting Online Neighborhood Facebook Group!  Amy Barickman has a Facebook Indygo Junction Pattern Group that you can join too!

Can’t wait to hear from all of you! In the meantime, best wishes for happy stitches!

Deanna Wall Stitches Quilting Stitching Through Life

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Sewing Tutorial Zoe Zombie Doll and Bones Immortal Dog

Zoe Zombie and Bones

Do you happen to pick up just fantastic fabric panels from time to time but somehow don’t seem to get them done?  Sometimes I am disappointed with the end result that doesn’t look quite like I had imagined!  I have to say that this Zoe Zombie Doll and Bones her Immortal Dog did not disappoint me!  What do you think?

Zoe and Bones Good

The trick for me on this panel was that before I even cut the panel apart I long armed the pieces giving each one structure and form with the 80/20 Warm and Natural Batting and muslin backing.  The tutorial for How to Quilt a Fabric Panel and particularly the ideas to accentuate Zoe and Bones.   I have lots of thoughts, pictures and actual video of the tutorial for Zombie Apocalypse Fabric Panel by Emily Taylor for Riley Blake Designs.  If you are interested in purchasing this fabric panel it come free when you purchase a Zombie Love Fat Quarter Kit by Emily Taylor Designs for Riley Blake Fabric

I have to tell you that my family and I really enjoyed making Zoe and Bones come to life for our Fall Festivities!

Zoe the Zombie Doll body part pieces that you will need.

Zoe Zombie Doll Arms Legs Blog1600 Zoe Zombie Doll Body Blog1600

Bones the Immortal Dog body pieces that you will need.

Bones Zombie Body Blog1600Bones Zombie Ears Belly Blog 1600

Additional Supplies Needed:  a NEW Demin Jean Needle for your sewing machine, Gray Thread and Stuffing

Let’s Get Started to Bring to Life Zoe the Zombie Doll:

  1.  Cut out the quilted body part pieces for Zoe.  For the arms and legs, I left about a 1/4 inch seam allowance around them but with the Zoe Front and Back Body pieces I cut them along the outer edge of the doll.  Be sure to mark where the location of the arms are on the doll front and back pieces.
  2. The arms and legs are constructed in a tubular manner.  Fold one arm piece in half with right sides together and sew around the arm starting at point A and ending at point B.  Turn inside out and stuff until firm.  Repeat with the second arm.  Set aside arms.Zoe Zombie Arm
  3. Fold one of Zoe’s legs in half with right sides together.  Sew around the leg, leaving the straight edge open.  Turn inside out, stuff until firm.  Repeat with other leg.
  4. Use a fat knitting needle or other blunt object to push the seams of the arms and legs all the way out after turning them inside out.Zoe Zombie Doll wm
  5. I did not close the openings of the arms or legs and did not allow the stuffing to poof out where I was going to attach the arms and legs to the body of Zoe.  We already have a lot of layers to sew through with the batting and fabric.  You can see in the picture that I have positioned Zoe’s Arms and stitched them to her body.Zoe Arm pinned and stitched
  6. Now attach the legs to the body bottom.  (Refer to photo)Zoe Legs Stitched On
  7. Match up the front and back body pieces of Zoe the Zombie Doll.  It is important to notice that you want to make sure that her hair, neck, dress white stripe are matched up on the body as those will be noticeable pieces to not have accurately matched when turned inside out – see photos and video for additional help on this.
  8. First stitch her head together first matching her collar and hair on each side.Zoe Front and Back Step 3
  9. Leave the legs hanging out with the arms tucked in, stitch the front and back of the Zoe the Zombie bodies together Leaving the bottom of her dress open to turn her inside out.Zoe Front and Back Step 2
  10. Stuff Zoe the Zombie doll firm and hand stitch her dress bottom completely closed.Zoe Stitched Together
  11. There she is!  Embellish her with some of your own home elements or leave her just exactly as she is!  Sweet isn’t she?


Let’s Get Started to Bring to Life Bone’s the Immortal Zombie Dog:

  1.  Cut out all of Bone’s Quilted body part pieces of the left body side, right body side, underbelly, front ear piece and back ear pieces.Bones Ears
  2. Sew together Bone’s front and back left and right ear pieces.  The back side is polka dotted and the right side is black.  Turn the ears inside out and finger press the quilted ears.  No stuffing is needed as they have great structure to them.
  3. Fold the underbelly of Bones along the dotted line.  Pin the underbelly to match “E” and “F” side of the left quilted body then stitch together.  Next pin the underbelly to match along with the “D” and “C” sides of the right quilted body finish stitching the underbelly to the right side of the quilted body.  Bone’s is starting to take shape eh?Bones Underbelly
  4. Line up the ears on the left side of the Bones body and stitch into place.
  5. If needed, trim some of the batting from the ear seam when you are attaching them to the body to have less fabric to sew through.  I decided to offset the ears when stitching the top of the body together so my sewing machine needle would smoothly go across all layers.  (See photo)Bones Underbelly collar matched
  6. It is important to make sure the Bone’s green collar is matching under Bone’s chin and the back of his neck.  These would be obvious places that one would notice if his body was not stitched together right.Bones CollarBones Underbelly collar grn matched
  7. Start stitching the top part of Bone’s right and left side of the body together starting at Bone’s neck to ensure the matching of his green color and then leaving open a 2 to 3 inch space at the back of his body below his tail.Bones all Stitched
  8. Turn Bone’s body inside out from the opening.  Use a long blunt knitting needle or object to ensure that all seams are pushed all the way out.
  9. Stuff Bone’s the Immortal Zombie Dog and hand stitch his opening completely closed
  10. There he is!  Embellish Bones with some of your home element or leave him just exactly as he is!  Darling isn’t he?Zoe and Bones GoodZoe Zombie and Bones


I would just love if you emailed me a photo of own created versions of Zoe and Bone’s!  I would love to see how they turned out.  If you get stumped anywhere do not hesitate to email me!

What extra ideas do you have to embellish Zoe or Bones and share your ideas or tips to construct them.  Post your photos and #ZoeZombieBonesDog so all can search them and see your fantastic ideas!  YEA!  It sure feels great to share!

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Quilting Motivates Me

Quilting is therapy

I organize my life and balance my responsibilities so I can enjoy it!  Quilting is always waiting for me in the background if life does get crazy and I need to put it on the back burner.

Quilting motivates me first of all so I can live a long healthy life to execute and complete all the amazing things I dream to create.  I love my family and want to be healthy like eating well and exercising so I can hopefully avoid unnecessary disease and pain to be fully functional and capable of doing the many things I day dream about long into life.

There are so many ideas buzzing around in my head that I want to execute that I hope that long healthy life is waiting for me.

That’s the beauty of quilting; there are so many different things you can do from piecing a quilt top together, strip piecing for easier quilt, to complicated piecing, machine appliqué, hand appliqué, domestic machine quilting, long arm machine quilting, hand quilting, hand piecing…. too much to name.

Secondly, quilting motivates me to live an organized life.  By living an organized life, I will have more rewarding time stitching away.


Thirdly, quilting is my reward!  I get every room put back together after an evening of children being home, clean the kitchen, throw a load of wash in, prepare dinner, get necessary mundane tasks completed like paying bills and then quilt, quilt, quilt away!  It feels great; even if it is only for a short bit of time.


When I worked on my master’s degree while at the same time worked at my husband’s office and managing kiddos at home, there was not much time for quilting.  There was just no room for creativity to flow BUT I longed for it.  I couldn’t wait to finish and for life to settle down to enjoy the colors and fabrics and creation of beautiful things for loved ones.  There is a time and season to all things.  Well as I was working on my master’s thesis and to break the barrier for motivation, I bought some special fabrics for a quilt pattern that I had longed to complete from many years prior.   The pattern came from an old quilting book that I had admired and tucked away.


Then I LITERALLY slept with the fabrics under my pillow and in my bed with me every night.  I would fall asleep touching the fabrics and admiring the color collection carefully fanned out, after a long day of forcing myself to be disciplined on my project.  In the morning I would wake up and again touch them then turn with the determination to get my mountain work done each day.


Finally, the day arrived and I finished my master’s thesis.  I had done all the work for whatever reason comfortably sitting in my bed on my laptop.  When I pressed send on the email to my professor with the master’s thesis attached, I turned to my fabric and smiled!


I then went down stairs to my sewing room, dusted off the sewing machine, rotary cutter and mat and started playing with the fabrics.  It was just a sweet quilt for my son that played soccer that would become a wall hanging in his room.  But that quilt represented so much to me, the freedom that I know had to be creative again and the discipline I used to do hard things.

The quilt that was made from the fabrics I slept with
I finally did it! Finished my Master's degree!

The quilt now years later still hangs in his room as he is now on a competitive soccer team.  I have made several more quilts for him in his room for him to feel the warmth of his mother’s love.  That mother’s love spills over as I attend all those soccer games taking amazing photographs of him with quilts to sit on or keep me warm.  That mother’s love also spilled over as I went to all the amazing wrestling matches for his older brother and sat there hand appliquéing wrestlers with a tiger head and took pictures there.

Wrestling Quilt I made for Nick.

Quilting enriches and motivates me to be a better person and keep my life prioritized.
Quilting motivates me to live a balanced life so I have time to put a healthy hobby like quilting in my routine. Quilting is so spectacular and there are just so many pleasing things to do with it!

My soccer player now! I love that little guy! Such a pleasure being a mother.
My happy wrestler that threw me a smile while wrestling to his mama for the photograph. I love that guy!