Are You Worried About Your Children? Are you overwhelmed not knowing what the best thing is to do? Or completely bewildered how to raise children in this day in age.
The climate of raising a family has completely changed from raising my 22 year old son to now my 14 year old son. My girlfriends and I are just stunned at how different it is! Need a new way to look at the challenges of raising a family then allow Matt Townsend (Setting Boundaries), Brad Barton (Resilient Kids), Carmen Rasmusen Herbert (Kid’s Self-esteem), Clay Olsen (Effects of Pornography), Lucy Delgadillo (Money Talks) with a Special Musical Guest of Joshua Creek INSPIRE YOU! You will not be disappointed and NEED this Parenting Evening to get you going!
Last Chance to purchase a couple’s date night or individual tickets with dinner for this Saturday, September 19, 2015 for the 2015 Uplift Families Parenting Conference. With Stitches Quilting Coupon $5.00 off Code of Stitches2015 your couple ticket will only be $20.00 and an individual ticket $10.00. Click above to purchase your ticket now before it is sold out!
There will also be resourceful exhibits at the Thanksgiving Point, Show Barn set up for you to obtain additional community information available here in Utah. Don’t miss out! Remember not only can YOU do hard things but YOUR kids can do hard things too! We can raise better children, families and communities together!